What 3 Homemade Cookies Are Going In Your Christmas Cookie Gift Box?

Baking, buying, wrapping and eating cookie dough? It sounds, tastes, and smells like the Christmas season is here. I was wondering which cookie recipe I was gong to bake for holiday gifts when I remembered I had recently purchased -100 Cookies: The Baking Book for Every Kitchen, with Classic Cookies, Novel Treats, Brownies, Bars, and More by Sarah Kieffer. While thumbing through it, I realized that I had some hard choices to make. I needed to narrow it down to only 3 cookie recipes.

I always love a bar or a brownie because they bake evenly and pack nicely in a box. A peanut butter and chocolate combo always sings to me, so it is no surprise that I chose The Peanut Butter Crunch Brownies. The base is chocolate, then you make a smooth peanut butter filling, and the next layer of cacao nibs is the secret crunch that lies underneath a thick layer of chocolate ganache. Very nice!


The world can agree that everybody loves a chocolate chip cookie. I thought that would be a good old fashioned favorite for my cookie gift box. I opted to try the Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookie. It would be a change of texture and pair nicely with the other sweets in the box.


Finally, for the last delicious bite - a chocolate crinkle cookie. An elegant addition to my Christmas Cookie gift box. These cookies are reminiscent of a sip of hot chocolate. Though simple to make, these cookies make quite a fashionable impression!


Try my Christmas Cookie gift box selections and delight your friends and family this holiday season!

Lili Courtney