Hand Pulled Noodle Dough



300 all-purpose flour

165 Gram(s) water in room temperature

1/3 Teaspoon(s) salt


In a large bowl, mix flour, water and salt, stirring in one direction. If your dough is too dry, add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until you have a bread dough-like mixture. Knead the dough for about 8 to 10 minutes.

 Push the dough into a large flat circle 1 cm thick and cut the dough into 1.5cm strips. Roll the dough into long noodles of 1 cm in diameter by using your hands. If the dough is sticking, dab some oil on your fingers.

Wind the noodles into a spiral on a plate, attaching one after another, lightly coating the noodles with oil to prevent sticking. You can layer the noodles on top of each other. Cover the plate with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes.

Prepare a pot of boiling water to cook noodles.

Unwrap the noodles and roll each section to 1⁄2 cm in diameter. Using an up-and- down motion, stretch the noodles apart by banging the noodles on the surface of the table, gradually moving your hands farther apart. When the noodles get too long, fold the noodles and continue to stretch until you reach your desired thickness.

Place noodles directly in the pot of boiling water. When foam begins to rise up, turn down the heat or add 1/3 cup of cold water to keep from boiling over.

When the noodles float to the surface, strain them and place a bowl and add a sauce.



Side DishesLili Courtney