Yellow Split Pea Puree with Buttered Onions and Caper Sauce

Have you thought about making hummus out of yellow split peas? Look at this picture and you will.


3 Tbl unsalted butter

3 Tbl Sage and Mushroom Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 red onions, chopped

1 cup yellow dried spilt peas, rinsed and drained

½ tsp ground turmeric




Put the butter, 2 Tbl oil, onion, ¾ tsp salt into a large sauté pan on medium heat and cook for 15-18 minutes, stirring often. Cook the onions until they are soft and deeply golden. Transfer half the onions, along with the most of the oil and butter to a small bowl and set aside. This will be used for the caper sauce.


Add the split peas, turmeric, 5 cups of water and ¾ tsp salt to the remaining onions and bring to a simmer on medium-high heat. Lower the heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes uncovered. Cover with the lid and continue cooking for 40 minutes. Or until split peas are very soft and most of the liquid had evaporated.


While the split peas are still warm, place them in a food processor with any remaining liquid, 1 Tbl of Sage and Mushroom Extra Virgin Olive Oil and blitz until completely smooth.


Spoon into a shallow dish, creating a dip in the middle. Mix the buttered onions and with the caper sauce, then spoon onto the dip. Serve warm or at room temperature.


Caper Sauce:


2 Tbl capers

¼ cup flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

2 thin lemon slices, seeds removed and finely chopped

2 Tbl Lemon Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil



In a medium bowl put in the other half of cooked onions and the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. Stir to combine.




StartersLili Courtney